The story follows Emily and Alex, who fall deeply in love after meeting at a charity run. Their relationship flourishes, filled with shared dreams and intimate moments, primarily revolving around a park where they often spend time together. However, their love is tested when Alex receives a career opportunity abroad, a dream job he can't refuse. Despite their efforts to maintain their connection, the distance proves too challenging, and their communication dwindles. Eventually, Alex sends a heartfelt letter acknowledging the necessity of moving on, leading to a poignant but inevitable end to their romance. Years later, Emily revisits the park, reflecting on their cherished memories and the valuable life lesson of letting go.
Warning: Not suitable for young readers or sensitive minds. Contains graphic sex scenes, adult language and situation intended for mature readers only.
So basically this story is not for everyone, this is R18!! if you're 17 below, please find another story because this is not suitable for you.