In a whirlwind of high school friendships, two souls, Troy and Yanna, find solace in each other. Their bond deepens through college, fueled by a promise to never let go. Troy, an only child destined to inherit his family's vast business empire, and Yanna, an ordinary woman whose parents' untimely demise left her orphaned, navigate their contrasting worlds with unwavering support.
With the approval of Troy's family, Yanna embarks on a training program at his company, their connection strengthening further. However, fate takes a cruel turn when Yanna is drugged at a lavish party and wakes up to a stranger's touch. The aftermath is devastating: a pregnancy that shatters her world and forces her to make a heart-wrenching decision.
Torn between love and responsibility, Yanna chooses to leave Troy to raise her child alone. Troy, driven by a possessive sense of ownership, spirals into a dark abyss of jealousy and betrayal. His once-solid relationship with Yanna crumbles, replaced by a consuming obsession to have her back.
As Yanna navigates the challenges of single motherhood, Troy's relentless pursuit becomes increasingly dangerous. The lines between love and obsession blur, leading to a gripping tale of passion, sacrifice, and the ultimate test of loyalty.