In the powerful Kingdom of Alphas Nova, a young prodigy named Zhì Jūn, born in a remote village, embarks on a dark and ambitious quest for supreme power. Dissatisfied with his humble life, he unleashes a devastating spell that destroys his village, showcasing his immense magical abilities. Feigning innocence, Zhì Jūn deceives the knights who arrive to investigate, securing his place in the capital where he plans to ascend to ultimate control. As he manipulates those around him with cold precision, his journey towards becoming a feared and revered ruler begins, leaving destruction in his wake.
In the epic conclusion to the Devil's Deal series, Freya has one final chance to discover the full potential of her own power, and to use it to restore balance in the universe - once and for all. After the destruction caused by Roisin, Ferya and Torix come to terms with their losses and mistakes... And prepare for a final battle that will change everything.