In the heart of New York City lies "Elysium," a bar that serves as a safe heaven for supernatural beings who live hidden among humans. The establishment is owned by Donte Blackwood, a ruthless yet surprisingly merciful mafia boss who rules the city's underworld with an iron fist. Unaware of the true nature of many of his patrons, Donte maintains Elysium as a neutral ground, ensuring it remains a safe heaven for those who wish to remain in the shadows. Amara Petrova, a strikingly beautiful woman with an air of ageless grace, walks into Elysium. With her long, raven hair and piercing eyes, she captures the attention of everyone in the bar. At a thousand years old, Amara is the most powerful witch alive and a half-vampire and half-wolf, a combination that makes her invincible and a threat. Donte, watching from his private booth, is instantly intrigued by Amara. Her presence feels different, almost otherworldly, and he is compelled to learn more about this mysterious woman who seems unfazed by the dangerous clientele around her.
77 parts