Sakshi and Harsh, both recovering from severe heartbreaks, had sworn off love. Sakshi's trust was shattered when her boyfriend cheated on her, while Harsh was left heartbroken after his fiancée called off their engagement.
Their paths crossed on Instagram when Sakshi, an aspiring photographer, posted a captivating sunset photo that caught Harsh's eye. He commented on the picture, sparking a conversation about their shared love for photography. Their interactions grew, moving from casual comments to heartfelt messages.
As they exchanged stories of their past pains and supported each other's dreams, their bond deepened into a profound love. Sakshi and Harsh's newfound connection seemed like a beacon of hope, guiding them through their healing process. Yet, as their relationship flourished, a subtle, ominous shadow loomed over their happiness, hinting at an impending, unforeseen separation that threatened to tear them apart just as they had found their second chance at love.
Just when Aashi was elated at the thought of getting married to Abhinav, he broke her happy bubble by denying her proposal. However, he was later forced to accept the marriage due to his father's emotional demands.
Aashi tried her best to make him open up to her, but was repeatedly pushed away by his hurtful behaviour. She knew that he was shattered because of Nidhi, his first wife and their broken marriage, but was unable to get him out of his shell, despite her repeated attempts.
She didn't give up and eventually made a small dent through his boundaries, only to learn a truth about his past that entirely shook up the human in her.