to recap:
In a world cloaked in twilight, where shadows danced with sinister purpose, lived a young boy named Tanjiro Kamado. His life, once simple and filled with sunlight, was shattered when tragedy struck. His family, save for his sister Nezuko Kamado, were brutally taken by a demon, and to make matters worse, Nezuko had been transformed into one as well. Fueled by a burning desire to restore his family and turn his sister human, Tanjiro embarked on a perilous path as a Demon Slayer.
so now,
His journey leads him to a bustling train station, where he, together with his companions, Zenitsu Agatsuma & Inosuke Hashibira, will meet the Flame Hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku.
With hearts ablaze with courage, Tanjiro and his friends board the Mugen (Infinity) Train and must face the demonic threat in it.
Demon Slayer: Blood Rebirth - A Second Chance to Redeem the Price of Peace
5 parts Ongoing
5 parts
Tanjiro Kamado, a teenage boy living in rural Taisho-era Japan, whose family is brutally murdered by a demon that transforms his sister Nezuko into a demon. But unlike other demons, Nezuko sympathizes with people and does not try to eat them. Tanjiro decides to join the Demon Slayer Corps to find a way to turn Nezuko into a human. But the situation changes significantly only when a strange and unconventional for the corps hasira takes Tanjiro as his tsuguko. Meanwhile, some humans and demons have a sense of deja vu.