At number one we have the most reliable as well as the most popular publisher in Bangalore because Clever fox publishing is simply the name you trust when you don't believe in compromises. They Publish in various languages and they offer everything that everyone else on this list is offering. They are a legacy publisher. However, they are a modern publisher and this simply means that they provide the convenience that you get with a Hybrid-publishing company but with the reliability and trust of a traditional publishing house. They publish nearly everything and they publish physical books and they also do ebooks as well as audiobooks. They have an amazing distribution network but at the same time they are good at publishing your book online on all the major platforms. The best thing about this publisher is that all their operations are in-house which means you are getting the most affordable rates in the publishing industry but also the most secure and reliable operations. They provide everything that you might need from copyrighting services to editors and book cover designing services and much more.