In the enchanting world of Seoha Village, where myths and realities intertwine, lives Tak Dong Kyung, a young woman known for her unparalleled beauty and compassionate heart. Her life, once filled with promise and warmth, takes a dark turn when she is diagnosed with a terminal illness. Facing the prospect of an untimely death, Dong Kyung is driven by desperation to seek out Myul Mang, a reclusive and enigmatic blacksmith rumored to possess the power to grant any wish.
Myul Mang offers Dong Kyung a deal: he will cure her illness, but in return, she must surrender her soul when the time comes. Though the price is steep, Dong Kyung, overwhelmed by the fear of death and the hope of continuing her life, agrees without hesitation. Her health rapidly improves, and she returns to her life in the village, only to discover that each wish fulfilled by Myul Mang brings a tragic fate to those she loves.
As the dark consequences of her deal unfold, Dong Kyung is confronted with a new ally, Cha Joo Ik-a mysterious man who seems to have his own connection to Myul Mang. Despite initial distrust, Dong Kyung and Joo Ik find themselves bound by fate, embarking on a perilous journey to uncover the truth behind Myul Mang's powers and the ancient prophecy that foretells the arrival of a chosen one destined to defeat him.
"Doom at Your Service" explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the struggle between destiny and free will. As Dong Kyung and Joo Ik navigate a world fraught with danger and deception, they must confront their own fears and desires. The novel delves into the complexities of human emotions and the high cost of making wishes, offering a compelling blend of fantasy, romance, and drama.
"So you will be ready for everything if I allows you to continue your study,hmm?" He started trailing his fingers down her shoulder.
"Y..yes" she stuttered feeling their proximity.
His hand snake around her waist, pulling her closer back closer to his chest "so you're ready for this?" He asked rubbing his cheek slowly and seductively with hers. She let out a meek 'yes'
His hands slowly trailed on her back. "Are you also ready for this?" "Y_yes" she moaned.
He slowly yet torturously un buttoned her shirt and took hold of her breast "For this?" She resisted her urge to remove his hands. she nodded, closing her eyes shut.
A sharp slap landed on her breast. Her eyes jolted open, her chest striking with the blow. Her chest heaving rapidly. "answer me verbally" He growled. "Y_yyes" a low moan escaped her mouth.
His hand went towards the hem of her skirt. Her senses became awake and within a spur she tried to stop him. "N_nno.. wwe can'tt ddo thiss before...." before she can complete he cut her "Before what honey?" he smirked
Daphne merely 17 years old just returned to Canada, her home after her schooling only received the news of her getting married to her sister's fiance post her sister's runaway. She is reluctant for this marriage.
On the other hand Alaric, her sister's fiance was eager to marry her only to get satisfaction from taking revenge on Daphne's sister and family. He will create their wedlock a living hell for Daphne to survive. He spared no chance to humiliate her.