In the gritty underbelly of Neo Haven, a city riddled with crime and corruption, a group of vigilantes known as the Red Sharks emerges to challenge the powerful crime syndicates threatening to tear their home apart. Led by the determined and skilled Alex, the team-comprising the fierce Elena, tech-savvy Maya, and ruthless fighter Viper-faces off against the enigmatic and ruthless Kane, who will stop at nothing to regain control of the city.
As they navigate treacherous alliances, unexpected betrayals, and heart-pounding action, the Red Sharks uncover a conspiracy that reaches far beyond the streets. With the clock ticking, they must thwart Kane's dangerous plans and restore hope to the citizens of Neo Haven. Along the way, they confront their own personal demons, forge unbreakable bonds, and redefine their purpose as heroes.
Filled with thrilling action, steamy romance, and the struggle for redemption, "Shadows of Neo Haven" is a gripping tale of resilience, friendship, and the fight for a better future in a world where shadows lurk around every corner.
Brynn Kingslee has spent a third of her life protecting herself from her stepfather as fiercely as a twelve year old can.
Only to find, after his death, she has seven fiercely protective older brothers who didn't realise that not only would they be protecting her from their work, but also protecting her from her past, too.