In the quiet halls of Hanamura High, the lives of two worlds collide when Juho, the school's notorious bully, and his loyal friends, Joon, Minho and Namwoo torment Tamari, a quiet and unassuming nerd. What begins as casual cruelty escalates, pushing Tamari to the brink of despair. As the bullying intensifies, Tamari retreats into his own world, hiding his growing rage and pain.
When the school day takes a harrowing turn, Tamari's repressed anger erupts in an unimaginable way, shaking the very foundation of their community. In the aftermath, Minho and Joon and Namwoo are left grappling with the consequences of their actions, forced to confront their own guilt and the devastating impact of their cruelty. While the main notorious bully Juho was hidden away, hearing the horrors that happened to his friends.
In this intense and emotional story, "Something about you," the lines between victim and perpetrator blur as each character faces the painful truth of their choices and the irreversible cost of their actions.