In this heartwarming and suspenseful tale, Althea's mischievous actions lead to a series of unfortunate events at Emerald Middle and High School. Tailsko, blinded by a prank, struggles with fear and self-doubt as she navigates a world turned dark. Meanwhile, her close friend, Curd, stands by her side, determined to protect and comfort her.
As Tailsko battles her inner demons and the pressures from her fanbase, she finds solace in the unbreakable bond she shares with Curd. However, when Eggwoman's sinister invention traps Tailsko in a nightmare, it's up to Curd to help her face her greatest fear and bring her back to reality.
Filled with emotional depth, this story explores themes of friendship, loyalty, and the power of facing one's fears. Will Tailsko overcome her anxieties and embrace the love and support around her, or will she be lost in the darkness forever?
The artwork is mine, so please don't steal.
Sonica, Tailsko, Curd, Mandy, Charisma, Eggwoman, Jamey, Bigette, and Knuxie belong to Tails and Sonic Pals.
Tails and Cream belong to Sega.
Althea and the rest of the school characters belong to me.