Set in the gritty streets of a fictional metropolis, Turf Wars: Foxes vs. Wolves is a high-stakes crime drama exploring loyalty, betrayal, and survival in a dangerous underworld. The Foxes, a cunning and resourceful gang, clash with the ruthless and brutal Wolves over control of the city's most lucrative smuggling routes. At the heart of the conflict are two unlikely leaders: Lucian "Silver" Grey, a calculating Fox with a dark past, and Vincent "Viper" Kane, the charismatic and ambitious leader of the Wolves. When a fragile truce is shattered by an ambush on neutral ground, both sides spiral into a deadly feud. Alliances shift as hidden agendas come to light, and each gang must decide whether they're willing to risk everything to win the war-or find a way to survive together. The script combines intense action sequences, sharp dialogue, and emotional depth, focusing on themes of power, trust, and the blurred lines between friend and foe
13 parts