A unicorn named Luminous Starbind, and his pegasus friend Grimr are both from a world in which Equestria is at war with King Sombra and his army, end up going on an adventure with their new friend Sweetie Belle, along with her friends, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. They discover several timelines where Equestria has succumbed to a terrible fate, and desire to find some way to fix everything in each one. However, there's one person who throughout their journey, seeks to take advantage of them in order to enact their plans. The group will meet various people in each world, but not everyone will have the best intentions, but some will also not see the worst coming towards them. This is based off the Season 5 finale where we see alternate versions of the present day if Twilight Sparkle and her friends never united. I randomly got this idea and decided to try to write this. (This story was actually gonna focus exclusively on the King Sombra alternate present, but I got the idea to fit in the other ones too, and once I get a writing idea, it stays stuck in my head for a while, so I tried to merge my new idea with what I had planned originally and this was the end result. I'll include the tags for the other characters that will appear they actually make an appearance in the currently posted chapters. I DON'T own ANYTHING related to My Little Pony. It is owned by Hasbro.All Rights Reserved
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