25 Kapitel Laufend ErwachseneninhaltIn a vineyard in Italy lives 17 year old Hannah. You probably hear many that stories start this way, but I will assure you this isn't quite like many others you've probably read. Hannah's struggled with body image issues, and self harm since a young age. She's always had supportive, loving parents, and her family is awful rich. The vineyard they live in is large, and she pretty much gets free rein during the summers, however during the school year both her and her parents are extremely serious about grades, and she's determined to succeed. She wants to attend a collage in America, and that takes lots of work. She studies all of the time, and when she's not studying she's reading. She has many secrets whom she's never told anyone, not even her closest friend Vitoria, because even she knew she couldn't dare to handle it. She was fine with the way life was. She had almost gotten used to it, until of course she met Matteo, who to say the least changed her life. For the better?