In the bustling heart of 1950s Cebu, Maria Aida Arceta is a vibrant young woman whose life takes an extraordinary turn when she mysteriously finds herself thrust into the year 2024. Struggling to grasp the futuristic world around her, she encounters Micah Andrea Lim, a kind-hearted woman with a passion for filmography. Micah lends Aida an old digital camera, they bond over capturing the modern world's wonders through a lens. Aida grapples with the burgeoning feelings she has for Micah, struggling to understand the complexities of her emotions and the unconventional nature of love. Torn between her deepening connection and the societal expectations of her own time, Aida navigates her emotions while embracing this newfound passion for photography, all while trying to preserve her sense of self amidst the whirl of time and love.
Have you ever imagined having two lives?
Be two people at the same time?
I bet you have. But between thinking about it and actually living it, there was a very big difference, believe it.
Aiah, a sweet delicate woman.
Marquee, sexy and imposing.
Which one would you choose? What's your type?
Hard, I know.
Let's let Mikha Lim answer this one...
Story Adaptation (Credits to the rightful owner)