After being bitten by a genetically engineered spider, young Peter Parker finds that he now has incredibly enhanced strength, speed and agility. Along with the ability to adhere to any surface, a precognitive spider-sense that warns him of danger and a pair of mechanized web shooters, the idealistic teenager fights against evil as the costumed hero Spider-Man.
Set during the decade of the 1990's, this is a Generation X version of the Amazing Spider-Man story. This is a time when young people believed that they had the power to change the world for the better. In order to make a difference, Peter will need to rely on his friends for help and have the courage to believe in good.
(Written: August 9, 2024)
Mary Jane Watson's relationship with Harry Osborn continues to be a source of pain and frustration. Her pain is real and keeps getting worse. It cost her the friendship of Glory Grant, Betty Brant and Liz Allan. In addition, she privately longs for the love of Peter Parker. However, she urged the teenage boy to dedicate his life to being Spider-Man, not being with her. Now, with her wedding only a few months away, she feels as though she might have made the wrong choice.
When Harry takes Mary Jane to the College of Mount Saint Vincent in search of a hard drive containing valuable information, he encounters the villainous Hobgoblin. Fortunately, the timely arrival of Spider-Man saves both their lives. In the aftermath of this conflict, Mary Jane breaks up with the abusive young owner of Oscorp Industries. Despite all the trials and tribulations of the past two years, she and Peter Parker finally get together. The pair of idealistic teens are in love and have both hit the jackpot.
You know the story by now. With great power comes great I don't need to finish that. You've heard it to death; every universe has. But what if your universe isn't like the others? What if the reality of being bitten by a radioactive spider affected everyone?
That's the world you subside in, a world full of Spiders; of course, with so many people swinging around, the idea of being a hero dwindles with each passing down with an already oversaturated market crime is at an all-time low. But just when you think your time in the spotlight might never come, a mysterious girl from another dimension on the run winds up on your backdoor, the fate of the multi-verse is at stake, and you're her only hope.
Maybe for once, you don't have to be a Super Nobody.
A remake of my old Spider-Verse story back in 2019