This contemporary fiction novel explores themes of love, passion, and friendship, examining how these profound emotions often intertwine, leading to emotional confusion, doubts, fears, and suffering. The story follows Anna, a senior high school student known for her impulsive personality and strong personal values. As her life takes unexpected turns in a short period, she is challenged to step out of her comfort zone. This novel delves into the complexities of the choices we make and questions whether we are often the wrong person in the face of the right opportunities. Fiction Disclaimer The names of characters have been randomly created. Some tourist spots and entertainment, such as Disney parks or Universal Studios, have been described based on the author's perspective as a frequent visitor. The inclusion of real school or institution names serves the sole purpose of adding authenticity to the story and should not be interpreted as an accurate portrayal of the actual school. Facts and incidents described in the book are products of the author's imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to real people, schools, institutions, or events is purely coincidental. This book is an artistic creation intended for entertainment and should not be interpreted as a factual account.
24 parts