Hye-jin, a university student with dreams of becoming a game designer, lives a double life as an exceptional and magnetic gamer. Her carefully balanced world shifts when Felix, a member of the global K-pop sensation Stray Kids, discovers her online streams and becomes captivated by her talent and charm-all while staying hidden behind the veil of anonymity.
As their virtual bond deepens, Hye-jin begins to suspect that her secret admirer might be the very idol she's seen in the media. Bound by the red string of fate, Felix must navigate the treacherous waters of fame and his own concealed identity while trying to protect their growing connection.
Will the strings of destiny lead them to a meaningful relationship, or will the pressures of the public eye and hidden truths pull them apart?
Don't talk to strangers. That's what Felixs' mom taught him since he was a kid and still teach until now that he's an adult.
But what if a stranger is the only one that can save Felixs' life from a danger?
A story where Felix is an Anti Social who despise people and HyunJin is undeniably a complete nuisance. What could happen?
Genre: Mostly fluff, expect angst
Main Couple: HyunLix
Side Couples: MinSung, ChanIn, SeungBin
Started: 07/15/22
Ended: 11/16/22