Synopsis: Before the rise of Batman, Gotham City was already a breeding ground for darkness. Young Andrew Carter, born into the city's harsh streets with no parents, stumbles upon the abandoned Arkham Industrial Labs, where he's bitten by the Chimera Spider genetically engineered creature with the DNA of the world's most dangerous spiders. The bite transforms Andrew, granting him incredible powers: superhuman strength, agility, the ability to spin unbreakable webs, and more. Now operating as "Arachne," or as "Spider-Man", Andrew becomes a legend, striking fear into Gotham's underworld. But as he battles crime, he uncovers a sinister secret-the Court of Owls, a shadowy organization watching his every move. With Gotham on the brink of chaos, Andrew must decide whether to use his powers to protect the city or be consumed by the darkness within.All Rights Reserved
1 part