In a vibrant seaside town, the bustling sounds of the boardwalk mask the internal struggles of two boys from contrasting worlds. Dean, an anxious introvert, has always found solace in the shadows, his heart guarded against the chaos of social interactions. Erin, on the other hand, is an ambitious extrovert, driven by dreams and expectations, yet secretly grappling with his burgeoning feelings for Dean.
As their paths cross in a fateful encounter, a forbidden bond begins to blossom, filled with laughter, confusion, and an undeniable chemistry that challenges Erin's Christian beliefs and identity. But just as their connection deepens, Dean's family relocates, leaving Erin heartbroken and lost. Faced with the haunting question of whether their paths will intertwine again, Erin grapples with despair and the weight of his emotions. Amid the turmoil, he must choose between holding on to hope and succumbing to darkness.
Will Erin have the faith to believe in a future where love conquers all, or will he find himself trapped in a moment of desperation?