In the prestigious halls of an elite school in Malaysia, Muhammad Rayyan Arsyad found himself transferred to a classroom known as Idyllic-a place far more complex than he could have imagined.
This school was renowned not only for its academic excellence but also for its rigid hierarchy that categorized students based on performance. The stakes were high, and every student was acutely aware of their rank within this competitive environment.
As time passed, Arsyad noticed something off about his classmates. They were strange, their behaviour hinting at a deeper, unsettling reality. Despite their oddities, one thing was clear: this classroom was fiercely competitive. But it wasn't just about academics; the real battle was for dominance in the school's social hierarchy.
Arsyad soon discovered that his classmates would go to great lengths to secure their positions. Tricks and deceptions during exams were common, as students sought any advantage to outdo their rivals. This relentless pursuit of power left Arsyad disillusioned and frustrated. Despite his intelligence, he was at the bottom of the ranking, making him a target for bullying.
His frustration grew as he faced the unfair tactics that defined his new reality. Success required more than merit; it demanded connections, manipulation, and sometimes outright cheating.
Just as Arsyad began to lose hope, a new figure entered his life- This individual became his ally, someone who wouldn't hesitate to challenge the status quo. With their help, Arsyad saw a glimmer of hope-a chance to navigate the treacherous waters of this elite school and find his rightful place.
In a world where survival depended on more than just academic prowess, Arsyad had found someone to fight alongside him, restoring his faith in justice and helping him rise above the challenges that had once seemed insurmountable.
"You left. You left when you found out I was pregnant. Coward." I seethed staring into his brown eyes, the left side of his face bruised from the beating he took earlier.
"We could have lived a happy life. We would have made it through. You just didn't have any hope. None for our family."
Player 333 x. F. Oc
#1 in seonggihun
#1 in squidgames2
#1 in player 456