In a world devastated by monstrous beings from other dimensions, humanity teeters on the brink of extinction. But amidst the chaos, a young man named Ethan Vale discovers a power long thought to be myth-the ability to wield mana, the primal force that binds the universe together. As the first and most powerful mana user, Ethan can control not just the elements of fire, water, earth, and air, but also the very fabric of reality itself-light, darkness, time, space and more.
Journey with Ethan as he embarks on a solitary quest to master these newfound powers, battling the horrors of a shattered world and uncovering the secrets of mana that may hold the key to humanity's survival. But with great power comes even greater challenges, and Ethan must navigate the fine line between salvation and destruction, all while learning that the true battle might lie within himself.
Who knew what would happen after stealing some bread from a street stall? Certainly not Nagan. Nothing out of the ordinary should have happened, considering stealing food to survive was the norm. But fate, destiny, karma, whatever you wanted to call it, had a funny way of showing mercy.
Nagan didn't know what to think when a baby dragon dropped in front of him. Even stranger, it was there to deliver an invitation. Carvolier was calling to him, as was a larger-than-life destiny.
Like father, like son, after all.
Yet something darker seeped through the seams as his years in Carvolier went on. Only time knew what awaited him.
Book one of the Broken Time Series
BOOK ONE: Complete
BOOK TWO: Complete
BOOK THREE: In progress
BOOK FOUR: Outlined
|| Featured on @StoriesUndiscovered Mar. 2021, Sep. 2021 ||
Started: Oct. 12, 2019
Completed: Apr. 6, 2020