In the hallowed halls of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, eight extraordinary young mutants navigate the trials of adolescence and their burgeoning powers. Among them are Changbin, a fiercely determined student with a healing factor and bone claws, and his friends Chan, Minho, Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix, Seungmin, and Jeongin-each with unique abilities that set them apart in a world teetering between fear and wonder. As these eight first-years grapple with their place in a world that doesn't fully understand them, they face challenges both internal and external. Their everyday struggles are amplified by their extraordinary abilities, from Changbin's heightened senses and explosive anger to Jeongin's uncanny connection with animals and Felix's unexplained powers. When a mysterious alien device tears through Changbin's mind, their lives are thrown into upheaval, testing their bonds and pushing them to their limits. Under the watchful eyes of seasoned mentors like Logan and Storm, these young mutants must navigate friendships, family conflicts, and the harsh realities of their roles as heroes-in-training. As they encounter new threats and deeper personal crises, they discover that the true battle lies not just in mastering their powers, but in understanding themselves and each other. "Mutant Minds: The Stray Kids of Xavier's School" is a gripping tale of growth, resilience, and the quest for acceptance. In a world where being different can mean being dangerous, these young mutants must learn that their greatest strength lies in their unity and their unyielding spirit. Started: 11/08/24 Finished:
43 parts