Cassie Winters, a skilled fighter, enrolls in the prestigious Academy, unaware that her mother, presumed dead, is actually alive and working with the resistance against the ruthless King. Cassie's older brother, Atlas, has gone rogue, while her younger brothers, Kayden and Christian, are at the Academy, but Kayden is secretly working with the resistance.
Cassie meets the princes, Damien and James, who are brothers and rivals. Damien seeks revenge against Cassie's family for the death of his younger sister, killed by Christian in a misguided attempt to avenge their mother's supposed death. James, however, is drawn to Cassie and becomes her ally.
As Cassie navigates the treacherous Academy, where fighters are pitted against each other in deadly matches, she must confront her family's dark past and the truth about her mother's disappearance. Damien's vendetta against her family threatens to destroy everything, while James's loyalty is tested by his duty to his father, the King.
When Ember Quinn's brother Kael vanishes, leaving behind a trail of blood and deceit, she's thrust into a dangerous world of secrets and betrayal. Partnering with Dante Valen, a rival with a dark past, Ember must navigate a web of lies spun by the shadowy Order that controls their fates.
As Ember and Dante's uneasy alliance grows into a smoldering, dangerous connection, they race to uncover the truth behind Kael's disappearance and the enigmatic key he left behind. With every step, trust becomes a fragile currency and the threat of the Order looms large.