!Disclaimer! This is an OUTDADTED version of the 7even Territories, it was the original draft and is left up for those who want to see what was originally planned out! THIS WILL NOT BE UPDADTED, check out the official story on our homepage here in Wattpad
Over 80 years ago a cargo ship got lost in an electrical storm, crashing and washing aside on an island- with it was hundreds of animals from pets to wild animals, and amongst it, many cats who would rise to creat the Six Territories and the claws. This ship became known as 'The Beginning'
30 years ago an Army of cats overthrew the Claws inhabiting the territory, and created chaos and turmoil, using fear as power.
A young Tom who is strangely coloured and known as an outcast in his Claw, suddenly decides that the Army must be stopped, and with all the forces of the islands unnatural nature against him, he sets out to find his true purpose and place along with other strange warriors who befriend each other.
!Disclaimer! Scenes include disabled paw on main character, some bloody fighting scenes. No graphics are severe to be inclusive of all audiences: recommended for 11+