Greyson Wilson, an ordinary teenager who discovers he is a supernatural being. He enrolls in the Institute for All Unnatural Beings with his new friends, Mob and Dyo Plevres. As Greyson navigates this new world, he learns about his true identity and powers. Their peaceful existence is threatened by an ancient evil aiming to destroy all supernatural beings. With the help of friends and allies, Greyson embarks on a journey to uncover dark secrets, hone his abilities, and confront the looming threat. Along the way, they form alliances, face challenges, and discover their true powers.
"Beings'' is meant to be a groundbreaking fantasy television project designed for Gen Z. It combines elements of magic, action, fashion, mystery, diversity, and LGBTQ+ representation to create a truly unique viewing experience. Set in a captivating magical realm, "Beings'' unfolds within a prestigious Institute for supernatural beings. Here, angels, demons, wizards, witches, elves, mermaids, and gods coexist, each bringing their unique powers and perspectives to the story. The ensemble cast, composed of real and diverse teenagers, infuses authenticity and relatability into each character, allowing audiences to connect on a deeper level. Drawing inspiration from Y2K and Gen Z fashion trends, "Beings'' offers a visually stunning aesthetic.
Stacey and Sarah had always believed they lived normal lives. But a shocking revelation shatters their world: their family is not what they seem. Betrayal and deception run deep, and the sisters must confront the truth about their lineage.
Joined by their cousins, Jacob and Misty, they delve into the realm of magic, demons, and an ancient spellbook that has fueled centuries of conflict between good and evil. As the Supernatural Investigators, they navigate a dangerous world filled with hidden secrets and supernatural threats.
With their trust shattered and their lives in danger, Stacey and Sarah must learn to rely on each other and their newfound abilities. Their journey will test their courage, their bonds of family, and their belief in the power of good.
I have only posted this story on Wattpad and nowhere else. If you see this anywhere else please inform me here at Wattpad @coloristreader. Thank you and happy reading.