Disgraced former Mayor Alice Leal Guo, entangled in the murky world of POGO (Philippine Offshore Gaming Operators), finds her life irrevocably intertwined with two powerful women: Senator Risa Hontiveros, the relentless investigator determined to expose the industry's corruption, and Attorney Margarita Nograles, a sharp and ambitious member of the Quad Committee, also pursuing the truth. Their paths collide in a dangerous game of political intrigue, betrayal, and forbidden desire.
Alice, charismatic and morally compromised, is haunted by her past actions and the consequences of her involvement in POGO. She is drawn to the power and influence she once held, but also seeks redemption, or perhaps, a connection that transcends the political arena.
Senator Hontiveros, a woman of unwavering integrity, is driven by justice and a fierce determination to expose the truth, no matter the cost. Her investigation leads her to Alice, but their initial animosity slowly gives way to an unexpected and dangerous attraction.
Attorney Nograles, a skilled legal strategist, walks a fine line between her duty to the Quad Committee and her own ambitions. She observes Alice and Risa's relationship, her own motivations unclear - is she an ally, an adversary, or something in between? Her presence adds another layer of suspense and uncertainty.
The story unfolds over time, with Alice, Risa, and Margarita encountering each other at various points, their interactions shifting from adversarial to increasingly complex and emotionally charged. Their personal lives become intertwined with the unfolding POGO investigation, creating a web of secrets, betrayals, and high-stakes decisions. Forbidden romance blossoms amidst the political turmoil, forcing each woman to confront their own desires and the high price of power. The question becomes: who can be trusted, and what will be the ultimate cost of uncovering the truth?