In Kuoh Academy, there exists a new student, a recent transfer to Kuoh Academy starting in his second year. An average student with caramel brown hair and eyes, flying under the radar and doing what he can to live a simple, peaceful life. Away from whatever troubles intend to come his way and disturb his beloved, ever-so-sought after "Peaceful Life-chan". This student, is Issei Hyoudou, a known accomplice to the duo, many of the girls of Kuoh High, have dubbed the "Pervert Duo".
However, it is after the arrival of this new student, that things begin to go awry. The two Peerages that run the school behind the scenes have a new competitor, an unseen competitor, the duel between childhood friends has just had its stakes raised. The board has been shifted on both and now both Peerages are dealing with something unexpected and unexplainable.
Along with troubles rumbling throughout the Human world, there are rumblings of something troubling in the Supernatural World as well. The Red Dragon Emperor has returned.
A note:
This is a Highschool DxD Fanfiction with influence from COTE, I'm currently rewatching DXD for the first time in a long time, so information may be wrong or skewed. This fanfiction will closely follow the plot of the Original Highschool DXD, following the canon chain of events (With chapter 1 being Episode 1 of Highschool DXD), however with some obvious changes. I will do my best to keep it together and avoid plot holes and issues.
All criticism and advice is welcome. This is my first fanfiction, so understand it might not be the best.
I own neither High School DXD nor Classroom of the Elite. All credit goes to the respective owners of these works.
Classroom of the Elite or Youkouso Jitsuryoku Shijou is a work belonging to Syougo Kinugasa
High School DXD is a work belonging to Ichiei Ishibumi
Credit for cover art goes to @umbra_heartt
A High School DxD fanfiction, in which our Main Character Issei Hyoudou undergoes a traumatic experience that causes a change in his outlook on life and attitude in general. How will his peers respond to the new Issei? Will they appreciate his newfound maturity or fear his new persona?
A Practical What if Scenario