In a world where magic is an energy known as soectrum, there is a young man named Jikan. He belongs to the esteemed Shadow Clan, renowned for its ability to manipulate darkness, a clan that serves the kingdom of the northern continent. Everything was peaceful until a tragic incident occurred. During a mission to protect his leader, he failed. Both he and his leader were betrayed; his leader, in an act of defending him and helping him escape, was brutally murdered before his eyes, and he was accused of treason. Unable to prove his innocence, he was exiled from his own clan and even from his kingdom, his name tarnished with dishonor. Determined to clear his name and avenge his leader's death, he embarks on a solitary journey. He hones his skills, traveling from city to city, gaining fame as a shadowy mercenary, taking on jobs that allow him to track down those responsible for the murder that destroyed his life.
Story by VIK and Konami
Visual Art by Konami
General Support by Akemi
Creation Support by Brutal
Elliot's partner was his whole world, but after Allan's death, his ghost haunts Elliot's dreams. Everyone tells Elliot to move on, but he isn't sure he can.
It's been a year since the love of Elliot's life, Allan, passed away. Everyone thinks he should have recovered after that much time, but Allan still haunts Elliot every night. He struggles to maintain relationships with his family, and despite a coworkers interest he can't summon up the courage to date. Elliot is living for the past, because to live for the present means he'll have to live with a hole in his heart. But the question Elliot has to face chases him through his monotonous days: is mourning Allan with everything he has truly living?
[[word count: 40,000-50,000 words]]