Three inseparable friends-Ava, Nina, and Jade-embark on what should be a fun and exciting journey: a high-stakes wedding planning competition with a grand prize that promises fame and a lavish, fully-sponsored wedding. However, as the pressure mounts, the competition reveals deep cracks in their friendship.
Ava, the perfectionist and natural leader, becomes obsessed with winning, driving a wedge between her and the more creative, free-spirited Nina, whose ideas are constantly dismissed. Jade, the calm and grounded mediator, finds herself caught in the middle, trying to keep the peace while dealing with her own growing doubts and frustrations.
As the competition nears its climax, underlying tensions explode into a confrontation that turns tragically violent. A fatal accident-or was it something more sinister?-leaves one friend dead, shattering the trio's bond forever. The surviving friends are left grappling with guilt, suspicion, and the haunting question: Was Ava's death truly an accident, or did jealousy, ambition, and betrayal push one of them to murder?
Set against the backdrop of glitzy wedding venues and high-pressure deadlines, this gripping story explores the dark side of friendship, the destructive power of competition, and the secrets we keep-even from those we love the most.