It is said that opposites attract! Hormonal changes occur in the body as one enters one's youth. As a result, there is a natural attraction between a boy and a girl. Although the attraction is normal, it adversely impacts our studies and careers if we don't keep a watch on that. And if we become overly engrossed in this attraction without control, then we even cross the limits [of normality].
According to Indian culture, the first twenty-five years of one's life, which means until the age of marriage, is known as the brahmacharya ashram, where one should practice physical and mental celibacy. The reason this practice was set up is that children and youth can concentrate on their studies and maintain purity until they get married. Pujya Niruma and Pujyashree Deepakbhai similarly instruct that youths should remain pure until they get married at the appropriate age with the consent of their parents. One should be careful that their character is not tarnished.
On one side, there is a strong force of attraction due to school, college, and social media environments; on the other side, if one has the goal to remain pure, many youths get confused about what they should do when they get attracted to someone. This edition provides an understanding of what an attraction is and how a youth should behave.