A graduating senior high students has an important film to make before the school year ends. they were assigned to film how good senior high are, the teacher divided the class by two group , every group has a member of 12 students . So the group two decided that they will shoot the film to Batangas staycation house, the 12 of them agreed , they were already ready to go there 8:45PM in the night . As they were in a road trip , the rented van suddenly stopped. some of them panicked because they are stucked in a road with no signal . it was 4:02am in a morning after 15 minutes the driver manong kim , reassured them that the van is working now . and after that they arrived at the house in 5:30am The house is kinda haunted looks but the caregiver said it was just old but not haunted . they began the shooting but something is different. will they came back home alive?