In "Echoes of the Heart," follow the intense journey of Kim Taehyung, a Korean soldier, and Suhani Sharma, an Indian girl, as they navigate an arranged marriage filled with love, longing, and heartache. Through passionate moments, deep emotional struggles, and the pain of loss, this story delves into the complexities of love tested by distance and fate. Will their love withstand the trials, or will it be consumed by the shadows of war and separation?
This story is a product of my imagination. The characters and events depicted are entirely fictional and not related to any real individuals. If you come across a similar story on another platform, please note that I am not aware of it. This work is original to me.
Please respect my creative effort and do not copy or reproduce this work without permission. Additionally, any images or songs used are sourced from Google, and credit goes to their original creators. Thank you for reading and supporting my writing!
With the pains getting worse, the debt looming over her and the consequences sinking in, Y/N sees no other option than to blindly join the game.They seemed fine at first.
Until the first gunshot rung out.
With players continually voting to stay, Y/N seeks safety with a previous winner and his group. Including player 001.
TW -
Sensitive topics
Smut (OPTIONAL to read it)