Kara Bayley, a 21-year-old prodigy with extraordinary powers, is secretly known as Supereve, a renowned superheroine. Kara navigates the complexities of family dynamics and her extraordinary powers.
Kara Bayley, a 21-year-old woman also known as Supereve, leads a secret double life to protect her true identity. However, her life takes a dark and terrifying turn when she and her wife, Eve, are kidnapped by a sinister organization skilled in psychological manipulation. The captors implant false memories in Kara's wife, Lois, and her stepmother, Zoe, making them believe they are a close-knit family with Kara as their beloved daughter.
Kara and Eve manage to escape their captors, but the traumatic aftermath of their ordeal leaves them struggling to regain their sense of normalcy. In an effort to provide some solace and stability to their disrupted lives.
After the meal, Kara surprises her loved ones with a cozy and relaxing bubble bath, hoping to wash away the shadows of their past experiences. However, as they settle into the tub, a tense and unexpected situation unfolds. Kara, still grappling with the psychological manipulation of their captors, inadvertently slips into a role-reversal dynamic with Lois, insisting that she play with a rubber duck and threatening to spank her if she resists. Despite Lois's visible discomfort, Kara continues with the spa treatment, their faces reflecting a mix of unease and confusion.
They must navigate their newfound bonds and work together to overcome the emotional scars left behind by their captors, all while protecting Kara's secret identity and searching for answers about the sinister organization that threatened their lives. Together, they embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and the power of love to conquer even the darkest of times.
The goal is not to live forever, it's to accept Life and Death as its. It's to do something about our lives without fear, without regrets. Lena & Kara don't have an easy life and they are far to realize that they are destined to create something wonderful together. Will they be able to treasure it? Or, will they be too broken to embrace the gift they got?
This story is part of the SuperCorp Big Bang event 2020! Thanks to all the team of SCBB, to the artists, to my beta and all the people involved on making this happening.
For more information check the site: supercorpbb.tumblr.com