Please Stay, I Still Want You (Fruitcake)
9 parts Ongoing MatureHi! I've now migrated to Dandy's world fandom (yeyyy)
Anyways, hope you enjoy ^^
Oh and, this is my au so if you see characters getting mischaracterized then please don't mind. (PS. Cosmo and Glisten are FTM so please don't judge, thanks)
TW: Angst, Gore, Death, Smut, etc. (will put warnings, dw.)
"H-Help... Please..." Silence answered his call.
He sobbed, trying to crawl to wherever he perceived as 'safe' when deep inside... he knew that this is his end. He crawled and crawled until he ended up in a secluded corner. He hugged his legs, dripping with ichor. Heavy breathes was all that he could do now because the ichor was running through his veins.
Soon, he was slowly forgetting his memories when suddenly, he smelled something...
"Cosmo?! Where are you?!"
His eyes widened as he tried to stand up. His legs were weak so he had to hold onto the walls.
"Spr...out..." He tried to call out but his voice was a bit raspy from the ichor. He limped towards the other boy who had caramel on the side of his hair and face.
The other boy noticed him and ran towards him, holding him in his arms.
"Cosmo! Oh god..." Sprout put his hand on Cosmo's cheek. "I'm so sorry..." He whispered as Cosmo hugged him tighter.
"N-No... I'm sor-ry too..." Cosmo sobbed into Sprouts shoulder as the taller boy softly whispered soft words and rubbed his back.
"It's okay... Everything's going to be okay... We'll go back up and get Dandy..." Sprout kissed Cosmo's forehead as the boy continued to cry. "I promise that everything will be alright..."
Cosmo looked up at Sprout, one shedding tears whilst the other sheds ichor. "You pro-mise...?"
Sprout stays silent for a bit, thinking about how he CAN'T do anything but say sweet nothings. "...I promise. So please stay, I still want you."
Cosmo nods as they continue to hug each other... Not knowing the things they'll go through.