In a world where danger lurks beneath the surface of ordinary lives, two childhood friends, JD and RV, live a double life, each unaware of the other's secret identity. Jacqueline, a gentle and nurturing kindergarten teacher by day, is known as "Winter," a deadly sniper in the shadows, executing missions with cold precision for the secretive Orion organization. Roselyn, a seemingly quiet librarian and the owner of a hidden bar, is known as "Summer," the fierce and strategic commander of Orion's paramilitary division.
Their worlds are about to collide in ways they never imagined. A mysterious and dangerous mission brings them together, forcing them to rely on each other's skills and instincts. As they navigate the complexities of their assignment, secrets are revealed, and their long-standing friendship is put to the ultimate test. Will they be able to reconcile their past and present, or will the mission tear them apart? "Hues of Season" is a thrilling action story of loyalty, betrayal, and the unbreakable bond between two women whose lives are intertwined by fate and duty.