Set in a mystical kingdom governed by ancient prophecies, this tale centers around Cecilia, a young girl marked by destiny. Almost a thousand years ago, a prophecy descended from the heavens, foretelling that every century a girl would be chosen to marry a God, a fate shrouded in both reverence and fear. As Cecilia grows up, her mother promises to protect her from this ominous fate, but as the prophecy's 1,000th anniversary approaches, the promise is shattered.
Now, Cecilia finds herself imprisoned, draped in a flowing wedding gown, and marked by a swirling black symbol on her finger, the sign of her impending marriage to a divine being. As she is led blindfolded through a dark forest to the God's statue, fear and sorrow engulf her. Kneeling before the statue, she trembles as she awaits the unknown-her prayers for a kind God whispered into the night. When a commanding voice tells her to open her eyes, she knows her fate is sealed, the weight of the prophecy pressing down on her like a curse.
This is a story of broken promises, the heavy hand of destiny, and the blurred line between blessings and curses in a world where the divine holds power over human lives.