1 part Ongoing Shattered Horizon is a gripping post-apocalyptic novel set in a world devastated by corporate greed, dangerous bioengineering, and the collapse of civilization. Once on the brink of a cyberpunk future, the world now lies in ruins, dominated by savage mutated creatures, rogue technology, and the scattered remnants of humanity. In the crumbling metropolis of New Heirs, survivors must navigate treacherous wildernesses, hostile mutant beasts, and their own fractured alliances to stay alive.
At the heart of the story is Kai Mercer, a young, reluctant leader scarred by loss and haunted by the weight of his responsibilities. Alongside him are his fiercely loyal and fearless companions: the risk-taking Ace Wilder and the adaptive, AI companion Zeta-7. Together, they battle against the unpredictable threats of a world twisted by mutation and decay, searching for survival and answers in a world where trust is as rare as the resources they fight for.
As they venture through abandoned cities and mutated landscapes, they must face not only the monstrous remnants of humanity's past mistakes but also the challenges of their own inner demons. In a world where survival hinges on fragile alliances and quick decisions, the trio's journey through a broken, savage world pushes them to their limits, forcing them to confront their place in this new reality.