***ME** is a poignant tale of two sisters, Yara and Sara, who are thrust into an unforgiving world after the devastating loss of their family. Abandoned in a cold, unfamiliar orphanage, they must navigate a harsh reality where betrayal and heartbreak are constant companions. As they face relentless bullying and form fragile alliances, the sisters cling to their dreams, even as the future grows increasingly uncertain. Shadows of the past haunt their every step, and with danger lurking around every corner, Yara and Sara must decide who they can trust and how far they're willing to go to protect each other. In a world where hope is fleeting, can the sisters forge a new destiny, or will the darkness of their circumstances consume them? **ME ** will keep you on the edge of your seat, wondering if Yara and Sara will find their way to the light-or be lost in the shadows forever.