A second-year student named Singto Danupol found himself in a rather peculiar situation. As the president of the Underwater Hockey Club, Singto was used to dealing with all kinds of characters and personalities.
However, nothing could have prepared him for the encounter with a bold first-year student known as Krist Mahidol, among his peers, was a sight to behold, the boy who became very obsessed with Singto from the moment he laid eyes on him, he became determined to win him over, no matter the cost.
After being dismissed from the hazing team, Arthit indulges in a night of drinking and wakes up the next morning with a terrible hangover and a fuzzy memory. But he's pretty sure he kissed someone and, to his horror, he's pretty sure that person was Kongpob.
Warnings: homophobia/homophobic language [chapter 18]; panic attacks [chapter 23]; sexual harassment [chapter 29]