Ayesha, a young woman scarred by the tragic loss of her mother, finds herself trapped in a toxic environment with her abusive father. As she navigates the complexities of grief and depression, she seeks solace in solitude. At eighteen, she finally breaks free and embarks on a new chapter, only to encounter the enigmatic Yami.
Yami, a captivating kitsune yokai, takes an unusual interest in Ayesha, revealing a dark desire for her flesh. Ayesha, devoid of purpose and yearning for her mother, finds herself drawn to Yami's offer of an otherworldly escape.
Yami proposes a twisted bargain: she will devour Ayesha, but only when she deems her soul has fully ripened. The closer she gets to true fulfillment, the closer she draws to her inevitable doom. Will Ayesha embrace her fate, or will she fight to cling to the remnants of her human life?
// this book will touch on a lot of triggering themes including but not limited to depression, violence, body horror, cannibalism and abuse throughout the story so please be warned.
• cover done by me