This Tragic Story is about a woman named Nadina that has parents who survived from A Cruise Ship Disaster when her Mother named Shanai is pregnant yet before she was born. Habibshan which is Nadina's Father has a twin named Akishan that is a Traitor Sibling. He collaborated with their Eldest Sibling named Normatyr to make Businesses while they left Habibshan alone. Habibshan made a revenge to his two Traitor Siblings through stalking Normatyr which is their Rich Successful Brother while he was inside a Cruise Ship with his Fiance named Shanai. Then Habibshan planned to sink the Cruise Ship by his Knowledge in Marine Pilot. Then after he was able to escape from the Cruise Ship Disaster, she looked for the woman she loved named Shanai then after all, he admitted to Shanai that he was the one who made the Disaster. Then he explained everything to Shanai for her to be calm in those previous Disaster and Experiences inside the Cruise Ship. After surviving the tragic scenario, Shanai brought out a very beautiful and gifted girl from her Tummy, and she named the baby as Nadina. After the Misfortune, God the Almighty had given Shanai and Habibshan a baby that radiates a Fortune throughout their Life Journey as Married Couple that are Survivors of the Cruise Ship Disaster.
تدور القصة حول قوة رابطة الإخوة وكيف يمكن للحب بينهم أن يكون طوق النجاة في أوقات الشدة.
عندما تواجه الأسرة حادثة كبيرة تغير حياتهم، تتحول العلاقات من حب وحنان إلى توتر وصراعات، وتُبرز القصة كيف يمكن للضغوط والأولويات أن تؤثر على النفوس وتُثقل القلوب دون أن يلاحظ أحد، وكيف يمكن أن يكون أقرب الناس إليك ابعدهم.
ورغم القسوة والخيبات التي تفرقهم مؤقتًا، تُظهر القصة كيف أن وجود من يحبك بجانبك يمكن أن ينتشلك من اليأس، وكيف يكون للأمل النصيب الأكبر في رحلة التعافي.
إنها قصة عن الألم، الكفاح، وإعادة بناء الجسور المهدمة بروح الحب والتسامح،
الغفران، وتحمل المسؤولية، مع إبراز مشاعر الحب والخذلان والصراع بين الماضي والحاضر.