"Quiet Flames" is a captivating romance that unfolds within the confines of a college setting, where boundaries are tested and forbidden desires ignite. The story centers around Ethan, a dedicated biology psychology professor, and Sophia, a bright and ambitious student. Despite their deep connection and the intense chemistry between them, they are determined to maintain a professional demeanor, knowing that their relationship must remain hidden.
As their love for each other grows, they face the ultimate test when Sophia unexpectedly becomes pregnant. Navigating the challenges of their secret relationship and impending parenthood, they find solace in their unwavering commitment to each other. The couple's journey is one of profound intimacy and emotional depth, as they balance their personal desires with the demands of their professional lives.
The narrative shifts focus as the couple marries and builds a life together, welcoming their children into the world. The story explores their evolving family dynamics, from joyful milestones like the twins' birth to the everyday moments of parenthood that strengthen their bond.
As the years pass, Sophia emerges as a successful author, while Ethan transitions to a role of support and community involvement. Their family grows, and the story culminates in a heartwarming reunion that celebrates their shared achievements and the legacy they've built.
"Quiet Flames" is a tale of love, resilience, and the enduring power of family. It paints a rich portrait of a couple who, despite the challenges they face, forge a path filled with happiness and fulfillment. Through moments of joy and struggle, the story emphasizes the importance of love, commitment, and the strength found in togetherness.
A student professor arrange marriage romance 。*♡✧*。
✧She was his gravity , his fucking planet and he was lost without her ✧
Arrange marriage ✓
Age gap ✓
Student × Professor ✓
Grumpy × Sunshine ✓
Slow burn✓
Jealousy ✓
Green flag ✓