Preview! 【 hab·it 】 Noun: Habit - Plural Noun: Habits A settled, regular tendency or a practice, especially one that is hard to give up. - The Party had a habit of getting into trouble with the upside down. So it was Kody Hammond's job, being older to make sure they made it out alive. Her life meant nothing if she couldn't... Kody Hammond was a teen girl with insomnia and vivid nightmares, best friends with a slightly younger group of kids who'd be in more trouble than they can find without her. A girl who loved dogs and had two of them... A girl who actively swore to do everything in her power to keep them all safe. It was a destructive habit, and Kody was sure it'd kill her someday. Someday but not today. I Don't Own Any Images Used, and I Don't Own Stanger Things.All Rights Reserved