Shoyo Hinata, a passionate high school volleyball player whose remarkable jumping ability contrasts sharply with his short stature. Despite his impressive vertical leap, Shoyo struggles to overcome the physical and psychological barriers that his height imposes. His journey of self-discovery and determination is tested every day on the court, where he battles his insecurities and the doubt cast by others.
When Shoyo meets Tobio Kageyama, a renowned and tall volleyball player with a reputation for excellence, his world changes dramatically. As the two players' paths intertwine, Shoyo finds himself drawn to Tobio not just as a teammate, but as someone who challenges his perceptions and stirs feelings he's never confronted before.
Amidst the pressures of high school sports and the secrecy required to keep their growing relationship under wraps due to Tobio's fame, Shoyo grapples with his insecurities and the fear of not living up to his own potential. Together, Shoyo and Tobio must navigate the complexities of their feelings, the scrutiny of the public eye, and their shared passion for volleyball, all while striving to overcome their personal and external challenges.
A single invitation is what it takes for all the best high school volleyball teams across Japan to gather in one place. Finding themselves in a huge gymnasium, the second they knew they're witnessing legendary moments and matches.
The teams experienced a mix of excitement, confusion, and awe as they travel through time and reliving their best memories and learn valuable lessons about the sport they love.
Note: This was set after the nationals.