In L University, a young student named Yang Ping discovers a mysterious society called "Di Jin Hui" that promises to help him improve his English skills. Intrigued by the society's activities and the charismatic leader Zhang Zhaojing, Yang Ping joins Di Jin Hui, only to find himself entangled in a series of supernatural encounters and time-traveling adventures. Alongside his new friends, Yang Ping learns about the existence of extraterrestrial life and the secrets of the universe, including the possibility of human evolution into a higher state. As he navigates through these extraordinary experiences, Yang Ping must confront his deepest fears and learn to accept the true nature of reality.
You're not mistaken, science fiction, fantasy, magic, war, military, romance, stories, thriller, suspense, mystery, reasoning, cultivation, healing, inspirational, fables, campus, comedy are all here. However, I would like to ask my friends to read carefully, as it might provoke deep thought. Perhaps after reading this book, you will have a new understanding of the world.
In a world where select few can manipulate Yin and Yang energy, equilibrium has been maintained by fair treatment to users of both sides. In recent years, however, this delicate balance has been threatened by extreme beliefs. Those who have the power to tip the scales are fueling flames of suspicion and turning man against each other.
The world is disintegrating into ruins; droughts, floods, famine, corruption and distrust among Yin and Yang Congregants threaten to upend life as it is.
Aletheia is just a girl from a normal family in Minato. Her family just well off enough to send her to her dream in life: the Congregate. But she is not a Supplicant and her family has no ties within the Communion.
So she enters the Congregate almost a blank slate, only armed with what she read in her hometown, which wasn't much. She has no idea what is coming for her as her life up to that point had been quite normal, specked with the typical existential crisis many of you would know well.
What was the meaning of life? What was she here to do?
When Aletheia meets Elora at the Congregate - oh beautiful, talented Elora - Aletheia realises that she does not have a Glorious Purpose. No, she thinks she has found her meaning in Elora.
For reasons she cannot comprehend, Aletheia believes Elora is the one who will wrestle the world back into balance, and she is merely along for the ride. She doesn't realise her companionship to a Elora's journey is more important than she knows.
Follow her as she navigates through self-doubt, uncertainty, love, loyalty and friendship, searching and grasping at her meaning while she fights alongside Elora, whose shoulders carry the burden of saving the world.
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