Kyandoru no shin is a fan-fiction piece of the cult-classic "Zatch Bell!" Series, where every 1000 years the battle to become the Mamodo King begins. Within this fan-fiction, a 1000 years as past, marking a new beginning for the fight to become a Mamodo king; a new main character arises known as Yawara Hikari, a student at a three-year school. Within his school-year, he bombs into a teen with a particular odd looking book, which he'll soon find out that it's a spell book, connected to this odd portraying teen. During his investment into the spell book, his journey begins to get the Teen, known as a Mamodo to become king, something that has been thought to end with the previous king. He'll face hardships, challenges, and a growing Bond between him and his Mamodo as he continues on through battles and the adventure ahead. Will his Mamodo become king? And will they be the last team standing above the 100 participants? Find out more through his story!