Elysia, a bright and ambitious young woman, is preparing to embark on her college journey when a tragic accident catapults her into an astonishing new reality. Reincarnated into a fantastical world she once read about, Elysia finds herself in the role of a notorious villainess within the tale. In this magical realm, where diverse species such as mermaids, fairies, elves, and dragons coexist, Elysia is born as the daughter of the formidable Arden Ducal Family, renowned for their power and influence.
Determined to alter her destiny and escape the grim fate foretold for her character, Elysia conceals her exceptional magical abilities and begins to forge her own path. As she navigates this complex world, she uncovers a series of ancient artifacts linked to the four horsemen of the apocalypse. These artifacts, each tied to a powerful and perilous trial, hold the key to averting the looming disaster that threatens the realm.
Amid her quest, Elysia builds a secret guild with a public front, dedicated to espionage, economic power, and magical innovation. As she gathers allies, each with their own hidden potential, and faces the challenges of the magical and political landscapes, she must outwit a shadowy antagonist whose aim is nothing short of world domination. This antagonist, along with their mysterious guild, poses a constant threat to Elysia's plans and to the safety of those she holds dear.
With a world full of intrigue, hidden dangers, and complex alliances, Elysia's journey is one of growth, strategy, and unwavering resolve. As she battles through trials, uncovers secrets, and forges crucial bonds, her ultimate goal remains to secure a peaceful future for herself and her loved ones, and to reshape the destiny of the world she now calls home.
Evelyn is a Chosen One, blessed by the Gods with abilities that make her stronger than the average mortal. As Princess of Myrania, she always expected to inherit the favor of her father's God, Brin, to keep the kingdom's control over the perilous Glass Sea. But when Anhel, the God of Chaos, chooses her instead, she gains a power that she must fight to control.
Haydn is an assassin, scorned by fate from the moment his family left him to fend for himself. But when a kill goes south, he finds himself unwillingly claimed by Odi, the second God of Chaos, and granted the ability to summon illusions. Under his God's guidance, he must wear more than one mask if he is to survive in his new identity as a Chosen One.
Neither wants their fates under the thumbs of violent and unpredictable Gods. But when an army of Demons threatens all the humans of the Mortal Realm, they must put their feelings aside and fight for their lives.
[Book 2 of Remaking Eve, can be read as a standalone]