Touch me more, please touch me and kiss me until you can't take it anymore with those soft, cold hands and those soft lips and the taste of blood and wine until the sun settles on our naked bodies and forces us to stand until you come in me mouth. and fill me with that rich, thick, whitish liquid until I can no longer walk and you have to carry me, let me call you daddy, darling, dear, and my love, let me moan and gasp until I can't take it anymore, until my voice is just a whisper and I can't even gasp, let me turn into a mess just by remembering, blush and come instantly just by thinking about this unforgettable night, let me feel you, kiss you, touch you and hug you, let me scratch you, bite you and suck you, let me moan and scream your name. in as many positions as possible, let me be myself while I enjoy one last night at your side let me mark you until I never forget you let me be me and only I who sees that beautiful body of yours that tousled hair as dark as the night itself and that skin as white as the milk that you give me, let me leave you in a mess like you left me in a mess with that body that seems sculpted by the gods themselves and those memories of this last night, let me ask for more and more until they come upon us. abdomens let me have one last unforgettable night by your side.
Este libro comtiene BL(Yaoi) y +18
Krieger es el piloto más dominante de Fórmula 1.
Es conocido por ser despiadado y letal al conducir; razón por la que ha sido 5 veces campeón del mundo.
Pero su reinado se verá amenazado con la llegada de un misterioso piloto que al parecer, es el único que puede hacerle frente.
La rivalidad inicia y ambos harán todo lo posible por sabotear al otro, pero ¿qué pasará cuando descubra que su enemigo en realidad es una chica que finge ser hombre para cumplir con una misión importante?
Todas mis obras están protegidas y registradas por derechos de autor.
Está prohibido copiar, transcribir, vender, alterar o reproducir de cualquier manera sin mi permiso. En caso de plagio total o parcial, se tomarán medidas LEGALES.