In a world where humans and Beastmen live in constant tension, Beastmen face harsh discrimination and fear, hunted by those who refuse to see them as equals. For three close friends, life takes a sudden and terrifying turn when each of them mysteriously transforms into a Beastman through unknown means.
One, overwhelmed by the joy of newfound opportunities, another driven by the stress of a friend's disappearance, and the last pushed to the brink by relentless abuse - each of their transformations shatters the lives they once knew. One flees to Anima-City, a supposed sanctuary for Beastmen; another remains in hiding, terrified of persecution by those she once called friends; while the third is kidnapped in broad daylight, her fate unknown.
As they grapple with their new realities, they are drawn into a web of secrets, conspiracies, and danger that threatens both their lives as well as their new home. Bound by their shared struggles and pasts, they must confront the darkness within.
Can they survive in a world that sees them as feral monsters, or will they become the very thing they fear?
I am a huge fan of the new anime on Netflix called Brand New Animal I love all the characters and the story line it's very fascinating.I will stay open minded to sugestions but will likely write what's on my mind sense this is just for fun and to get more BNA content out.I will be planing on doing character x character and character x reader based on which one is wanted more.I will go further into detail about rules and how the story's will be written and timed. (Cover by:Sourfrancine123)